
Yesterday, I had a moment where I was having a conversation with a young lady who I’ve had the privilege of watching grow up. I think that the first time we met she was around 7 years of age…and her cousin-who is one of my closest and oldest friends- and I used to treat her like our little baby. Alas! The baby is not a baby anymore. She’s in her early twenties and looks and acts as a responsible young person which makes me incredibly proud.

She asked me “How is growing up?” and “How is working?”. At that moment,my elder sister hat came on and as I narrated to her my experience of growing up. The conversation brought up mixed feelings to be honest. I didn’t tell her that then…but later on, I realized that I had mixed feelings about growing up and the different phases I’ve been through. All of which I am learning to be grateful for…even the parts that made me feel like i’m tearing up a bit whilst talking to her.

“Enjoy where you are” I said. “Each stage is different, and you learn more about life and yourself. So at the moment, experience all the greatness of the stage you are in”. (Note to self as well)

“It’s true”, she said. “I’m learning so much about myself as I grow…it’s quite the experienced”

“And don’t you worry…you’ll do great my dear”.

“Now…since you said that you noticed that you don’t like wine…can have some of yours?” I teased.

She’s living, learning, and enjoying the moments. We all are. We all are.

Ugly ducklings turning into swans? Only that we are really cute. 😉




Gatonyo, Kiambu, Kenya. ( I write these locations because I’d like to travel and write in different places. And about different places. InshAllah)

Music: Favorite Jazz by Psalm Trees

Art here


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